CLIENT // Al Rayan Investments
$ 165 million
AED 600 million
RW ARMSTRONG ROLE // Project management.
DETAILS // Construction workers accommodation for 30,000 residents.
RW Armstrong provided project management services for Construction Workers Residential City, which provides quality housing and lifestyle amenities for those in the construction, manufacturing and retail industries.
The project is located on a of 205,000 sq. meter plot, with a capacity of 32,000 residents in six clusters of buildings and a social hub combining the central facilities. Each cluster population varies between 4000 - 6000 residents and are planned around a plaza that incorporates restaurants, supermarket, mosque, current needs shops, coffee shops, facility management offices and state-of-the-art clinic.
The buildings are made of open web joist and galvanized light steel system and the central facilities are pre-engineered steel structure in order to meet the fast track schedule of the project.
The following is a brief description of the components of the projects: